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How To Contact STAR During Camp Sessions/Hours

STAR primarily communicates to STAR families and enrolled participants during our sessions via email.  Please be sure to add the to your email contact list and check your email often for session-specific updates!


If you have any questions related to your child's enrollment, please call or text us on the STAR cell phone at 669-888-4148.



Required STAR Participation Forms

Before your child may participate in any STAR activities, the following documents must be completed, signed, and on-file with the STAR Office by check-in time on Monday morning:


STAR Enrollment, Emergency Contact, Consent & Release Form


STAR Audition Sheet with a current photo. 



First Day of STAR

Please Check the STAR Calendar for Program Dates


All participants must be accompanied and checked-in by a parent or guardian; no drop-offs, please.


STAR Staff will greet STAR families in the Drop-Off/Pick-Up area.  You will be directed to the check-in table.


Before any child may participate in any STAR activities, the following documents must be completed, signed, and on-file with the STAR Office by check-in time on on the first day of STAR. Staff will check for:

  • STAR Participant Consent and Release Form and STAR Audition Sheet with a current photo

  • Tuition must also be paid in full by the first day of the session.

  • If paperwork is not received by check-in time, you will be asked to complete and sign the forms on-site, or you can also download a copy of the forms by using the link above, and complete beforehand and bring to STAR on the first day.


For Summer Sessions:

After check-in is complete, STAR kids will find out their unit assignment, and  can enter the theatre to join their unit!


No Before Care is available on the first day of STAR

After Care is available on the first day

8:30 a.m. Check-in begins

9:00 a.m. Session start



Daily Drop-Off and Pick-Up

STAR allows 15 minutes for drop-off and pick-up of participants. All STAR kids must be signed out at the end of the day.


Summer sessions run 9AM-4PM. If your child is comes to STAR before 8:45 a.m. or is picked up after 4:15 p.m. they will be sent to Before/After Care and you will be charged an additional fee.


Weekend workshops times varry. There is no Before/After Care available for these workshops.


STAR Gilroy & STAR Video

Please use Brownell Middle School's Drop-off zone located at 2nd Street and Hannah Streets to drop-off and pick-up your child.


STAR San Juan Bautista

Please use the El Teatro Campesino parking lot to drop-off and pick-up your child.


STAR Workshops

Please park on the street and walk your child to the STAR Office.


Summer DROP-OFF is from 8:45 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.

STAR staff will be available in the Drop-Off/Pick-up area only during this time. Sign-in is not required during drop-off time - Unit Directors take attendance during morning warm-ups.

Summer PICK-UP is from 4:00 p.m. to 4:15 p.m.

All children should be picked-up by 4:15 p.m.  Any child not picked-up by 4:15 p.m. must be signed out from After Care.



Tardy, Absent or Late?

STAR summer sessions begin promptly at 9:00 a.m.  Unit Leaders take attendance at the beginning of the day.


If STAR Staff is not notified in advance that your child will arrive late or will be absent on any given day, the STAR Staff may call emergency contacts to confirm absence.


For known absences, early pick-up, or to update list of authorized designees, please notify STAR in advance.  Tell one of your child's STAR Unit Directors, call or text the STAR Cell at 669-888-4148, or notify us via email at


For early pick-up, you can sign your child out with the designated STAR Staff or with one of your child's STAR Unit Leader.



Before and After Care
Before and After Care is avaible for an additional fee.
STAR Gilroy and STAR Video Before and After Care is located at the Brownell Middle School.


Participants must be signed-in to before care and signed-out of after care.
To do so, please acompany your child to the before and after care area.


Before and After Care Rates


Families who sign up and pre-pay for Before and After Care will be charged:

  • $150 per child for the entire length of the summer program


Families who have not signed up in advance and must use Before or After Care will be charged:

  • $15/hr per child


Please remember to pack extra snacks and water for Before and After Care.


NO Before Care is available in the morning on the first day.

YES After Care is available in the afternoon on first day.




Meals, Snacks, & Water
Please provide nutricious lunch, snacks, and water for your child.
Food services are NOT avialble on site.
If your child brings money, please make sure it is a small amount.
Lost Articles
Please label ALL your child's belongings with their name.
Anything your child brings to STAR is their responsibility.
STAR is not accountable for lost items, clothing, snacks, etc.
Unclaimed lost articles will be donated at the end of STAR.



Dress Code

STAR kids should always be dressed comfortably and appropriately for active physical movement.


Short skirts, dresses, and tight jeans may restrict movement.  No low-cut blouses, exposed belly buttons, or very short shorts.


For safety reasons, open-toed shoes, and sandals, especially flip-flops, are not allowed on stage.  If your child would like to wear them during lunch and recess, please ensure they also pack close-toed shoes appropriate for stage work. Dancers who have jazz or ballet shoes are encouraged to wear them, but they are not required.


There are also special theme days throughout the program! STAR leaders enjoy mixing them up every year, so it will be a surprise!  The intent is not to have STAR families spend a lot of money on costumes, but to be creative with what you already have!  Some favorite theme days in the past have included:  Pajama Day, Crazy Hair Day, Pirate Day, STAR Olympics, Super Hero Day, etc.  Rock STAR Day is always a big hit!  

No flip-flop sandals on stage, please!



Auditions and Casting

In only a few short weeks, the STAR cast and crew manages to rehearse and produce an amazing show! With such a short time

frame to prepare, auditions are held on the first day of STAR.


Auditions will consist of: singing, speaking, and learning dance steps. Your child can prepare by learning to sing a few bars (a

verse and a chorus) of a song they know well that showcases his or her talents, or even "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" or "Happy

Birthday" is just fine. Also, if your child can perform tumbles, gymnastics, play a musical instrument, or has other special skills, he or she may also share these during the audition.


Sometimes participants may feel scared or nervous when it comes to auditioning, but no one needs to be!  All participants are cast in STAR productions and no prior experience is necessary.  Reassure your child that auditions are not meant to be stressful. They are not designed to choose who is "best," but to help the production staff decide how the cast fits together as a whole. There is plenty of fun to be had for all actors; your child will discover that every role is crucial to the success of any production. Please encourage your child to keep a positive attitude!



Behavior Policy

STAR Arts Education uses an ensemble approach to creating learning experiences in theatre arts/performing arts to youth.  Being cooperative and collaborative are fundamental elements to a positive experience and successful final production.

Parents will be called if:

  • Your child disturbs or hurts others, either verbally or physically.

  • Your child damages equipment property.

  • Your child places himself/herself in a dangerous situation.


Children’s misconduct will be handled as follows:


First Occurence

Parent will be informed. Misbehavior will be discussed with a parent or a written notice will be forwarded to request a meeting with them to discuss the matter. Parental failure to respond will result in indefinite suspension of the camper.


Second Occurrence

The child will be suspended from camp if a second notice of inappropriate behavior is documented.


The Exception

The exception to the above process is if a child physically or verbally abuses another child or a staff person. In this case, the child’s parent will be called immediately, and the camper will be asked to leave the program. No refunds.



Refund Policy

STAR does not issue tuition refunds for participant cancellations.  Instead, STAR will issue a transfer tuition credit for any tuition amount received, minus a $100 non-refundable deposit.




Yes, STAR Arts Education offers scholarships. The purpose of tuition assistance is to support young people who show a demonstrated interest in the visual, theatre, music, performing or video arts and, due to their economic circumstances, are unable to pay program tuition or fees. If you are interested please complete a Scholarship Application in addition to completing your child's enrollment online. Your child must also ask a teacher, mentor, or coach to complete a Teacher Recommendation Form

First Day of STAR
Contact STAR During Camp
Required Forms
Drop-Off Pick-Up
Tardy, Absent, Late
Before & After Care
Auditions & Casting
Meals, Snack, & Water
Lost Articles
Dress Code
Behavior Policy
Refund Policy

The STAR Way

The STAR Way focuses on connecting and engaging with the STAR kids by understanding & demonstrating the STAR Core Values: Love, Trust, Community, Unity, Imagination, and Excellence. The STAR Way is caring, knowing, supporting, and making good decisions.



Core Values 

Love, Trust, Unity, Community,

Imagination, Excellence

STAR Arts Education | The STAR Program

Oak Tree Garden Stage Address:

695 Rucker Ave.

Gilroy, CA, 95020


Mailing Address:

STAR Arts Education

P.O. Box 312

Gilroy, CA. 95021

Call or Text:  408-337-7720 or 669-888-4148




All programs and events may be subject to change.

STAR Arts Education (SAE) is a non-profit organization.

Federal Tax ID# 46-4515815


The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) defines requirements for designers and developers to improve accessibility for people with disabilities. It defines three levels of conformance: Level A, Level AA, and Level AAA. STAR Arts Education is partially conformant with WCAG 2.1 level AA. Partially conformant means that some parts of the content do not fully conform to the accessibility standard.


Copyright 2023 STAR Arts Education.  All rights reserved.

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